Thursday, September 17, 2009

Food Scene in Portland, ME (NY Times)

THE overnight temperature is dropping toward frost this week and probably won’t rise above it until May. Most of the cruise ships are gone, and with them the fudge buyers, the lobster seekers and the chowderheads who clog the Old Port neighborhood in the summer.

But the quiet and the chill are deceptive. Portland’s many chefs and bakers, its turnip farmers and cookbook sellers and assorted mad food geniuses are gearing up for another lively winter.

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BRESCA 111 Middle Street (Franklin Arterial), (207) 772-1004.

COFFEE BY DESIGN 43 Washington Avenue (Cumberland Avenue), (207) 879-2233.

EVANGELINE 190 State Street (Congress Street), (207) 791-2800.

THE FRONT ROOM 73 Congress Street (Howard Street), (207) 773-3366.

MICUCCI GROCERY CO. 45 India Street (Middle Street), (207) 775-1854. (italian import store)

MIYAKE 129 Spring Street (High Street), (207) 871-9170.

158 PICKETT ST. CAFÉ 158 Pickett Street (Broadway), South Portland, (207) 799-8998.

PACIARINO 468 Fore Street (Cross Street), (207) 774-3500.

RABELAIS 86 Middle Street (Franklin Arterial), (207) 774-1044.

ROSEMONT MARKET 559 Brighton Avenue (Montrose Street), (207) 774-8129, and 88 Congress Street (Merrill Street), (207) 773-7888.

SCRATCH BAKING CO. 416 Preble Street (Pillsbury Street), South Portland, (207) 799-0668.

VIGNOLA 10 Dana Street (Commercial Street), (207) 772-1330.

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