I was in the mood for something sweet today. A mix of a trail mix muesli and a roll? well, why not both, a muesli roll, would be just the right thing. This roll is low-carb and low-fat plus high in fiber. With the fresh ricotta and strawberry jam, it brought spring a little closer.
Low-carb Muesli Roll
2 TB carbalose flour
1 TB wheat resistant starch
1/4 ts baking soda
1/4 ts baking powder
1 ts brown splenda
2 TB Post vanilla cranberry trailmix cereal (or trail mix of your choice)
3 TB vanilla soy slender
1 ts egg beaters
1 ts butter flavor extract
Mix all ingredients in a small bowl, fill into a sprayed single serve pan and bake at 400F for 20 min. Cut in half, and serve. I like mine with lowfat ricotta and sf strawberry jam.
1 roll: 140 kcal.

Why would you use resistant wheat starch, which is chemically modified? Nobody knows what it's effect could be because there are no published studies - only one PhD dissertation has been completed. On the other hand, resistant corn starch from high amylose corn has been shown to shift your body to burning fat (23% increased fat burning from 5 grams of fiber from this particular kind of natural starch) (Higgins, Nutrition & Metabolism 2004). It has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity by more than 20% in healthy people (Robertson, Diabetologia, 2003 and Robertson, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005). High levels of insulin promote fat deposits and prevent fat oxidation. It has also been shown to turn on the genes in the large intestine that produce satiety hormones GLP-1 and PYY and these satiety hormones have stayed elevated for 24 hours in animal models. One human clinical study published last year showed that people who ate natural resistant starch from barley kernels or Hi-maize resistant corn starch from high amylose corn were less hungry the next day (Nilsson, 2008, The Journal of Nutrition) . It all comes from the fermentation of natural resistant starch in the large intestine. Don't use for chemically modified wheat resistant starch for weight control when natural resistant corn starch is so readily available and has proven weight control benefits.